High Quality Literacy
My Success
100% of my students improved their reading level
100% of my students increased their phonics skills
90% of my second grade students increased their reading fluency
80% of my students reached grade level in reading within one school year or less
15 years of experience providing educational services
Elementary Teaching Credential with Reading and Literacy Authorization
Masters of Arts in Teaching English-Language Arts
Experience and training in multisensory, science-based, structured-literacy reading and writing programs
“Within a month after working with Sarah, my daughter was starting to point out sight words, and she made attempts to read signs wherever she went. Not only did Sarah help our daughter with reading and writing, but she also gave her the confidence she needed to excel.”
Sharon, City and County of San Francisco
“Sarah is extremely knowledgeable and excellent at communicating with kids and parents alike. Our kids love their time with Sarah, as she’s gentle and compassionate while also being effective at tailoring her sessions to the needs of each child.”
Sheryl, Self-Employed and Adam, HashiCorp
“Our son has ADHD - combined type, so on top of falling behind in his reading, he struggles to pay attention. In a few short months, he caught up and began to actually enjoy reading! Sarah is worth every penny!”
Melissa, Salesforce
“After working with Sarah, our son’s interest in reading went from none at all to picking up books on his own and sitting down to read by himself. She was able to take our son from performing below grade level to where he needed to be. I HIGHLY recommend Sarah!”
Manju, Delta Dental
“I have been consistently impressed with Sarah’s calm and positive demeanor, her redirecting techniques to keep my child focused, her adaptability when she recognizes that my daughter could benefit from a different approach – the list goes on. My daughter’s reading and math levels have improved significantly.”
Neda, Hillcrest Elementary PTA President, Wells Fargo
“Our kids developed a fear of reading by the time they finished kindergarten and into first grade. We started working with Sarah, first with my son and then with my daughter. She has been amazing at helping our kids build their confidence in reading and coaching us in our expectations, so we don't push them beyond their comfort level.”